Order Pickup Begins March 20th
Order for Pickup or Delivery
We do not deliver plants via mail or other parcel services
During checkout you will be asked to choose how you will receive your order.

Orders may be picked up:

Monday thru Friday 9 AM to 12 Noon
March 20th thru October 31st at Grindstone Wildflower Farm

Saturday 8 AM to 12 Noon
April into October at Columbia Farmers' Market
Saturday 2 PM to 4 PM
April thru June at Grindstone Wildflower Farm

And at special events in Mid-Missouri including:

There is no additional charge for pickup

Delivered to your residence or business
location in the Columbia, MO area:
(zip codes 65201, 65202, & 65203 only)
Local truck deliveries are made every Wednesday or by special appointment.
Please place your order no later than Tuesday for a Wednesday delivery.
Delivery Charge is $25.o0 for Online Orders less than $200
Free Delivery for Online Orders of $200 or more